From the course: Careers in Web Design and Development

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Graphic design careers

Graphic design careers

- Do you find beauty in the world everywhere you look? Do you love watching HDTV and old Bob Ross painting videos? Are you intrigued by colors, type, and organization of elements? If so, you might want to be a graphic designer at heart. Graphic designers are responsible for the look and feel of all types of products. In the world of applications and websites, graphic designers establish brand elements like logos, typefaces, and colors, and they create beautiful usable websites in the process. Graphic designers for websites and applications work closely with the UX professionals to establish an interface. While the UX people make sure that it's usable and page elements are findable, the graphic designers add the right colors and polish to make it beautiful. When they're not working directly on existing websites, graphic designers might be creating meme images for social media, advertising assets and working on layouts and…
