From the course: Careers in Web Design and Development

Understanding careers in web design and development

From the course: Careers in Web Design and Development

Understanding careers in web design and development

- The Web recently celebrated its 30th birthday. Since its founding in 1989 as a single Web server at the CERN Research Institute, the Web has exploded and changed our lives dramatically. Jobs that were imagined are now legitimate career paths with plenty of opportunity and promotions to be had. So how can you get in on this action? Where do you start? How do you transition into it? Is it all so code-ish, or are there jobs for those with less technical skills? I'm Jen Kramer, and I've been working on the Web since 2000 in a variety of capacities. In this course I'll walk you through different career paths on the less technical end of the spectrum, including work with user experience, content strategy, Internet marketing, user interface design, freelancing and others. You'll learn what kinds of skills are required in each type of job, and what types of personalities and skills are best suited to it. By the end of this course you'll have a solid understanding of possible career paths making your living in Web design. So if you're ready, let's get started with careers in website design and development.
