From the course: Careers in Web Design and Development

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Working as a freelance web designer

Working as a freelance web designer

- Are you excited about working for yourself, making your own hours, and working from home, and living wherever you are right now? Do you enjoy learning new concepts, sometimes not in your area of expertise? If so, a freelance career in website design and development might be a perfect fit for you. A freelancer is a person who owns their own one-person business. You're the only employee, so you do it all, for better or worse, including Human Resources, Accounting, and Facilities Management, in addition to your area of expertise. Freelancers work with a lawyer to establish their business structure, work in their city and state to get proper licensing to run their business, work with a bank to set up a business checking account. And then, there's the many potential clients that a freelancer speaks with every month to find interesting projects to work on, as well as business networking with other freelance professionals.…
