From the course: CATIA V5: Class A Surfacing

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Extending slabs

Extending slabs

- Now that I have my initial primary slabs, I need to increase their size. As you can see, they don't quite match to the size of the initial scan. So I have to make them all bigger and to do that, I'm going to use my extend tool. But before I turn on the extend tool, I'm going to turn on some of the control point displays for these. I just want to get an idea of what's going on with the at least larger surfaces. So I'll just pick these three. Display, control points, select okay. Now, let me just go ahead and hide this distance analysis. I'm going to go in and double click on my extend, 'cause I'm going to use it a few times. Pick my first surface and extend it out. I want to be about 10% larger than the final part that I'm working on. Something a little bit bigger 'cause it's always easier to build it bigger and trim it back. So in this case, my primary slabs across the top is a bit larger and as I analyze it, I…
