From the course: Cert Prep: Excel Expert - Microsoft Office Specialist for Microsoft 365 Apps

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Create and modify Sunburst, Histogram, and Waterfall charts

Create and modify Sunburst, Histogram, and Waterfall charts

- [Instructor] In this video, we are going to take a look at three charts, waterfall, sunburst, and histogram. Let's go ahead and jump into our document and get started. We're in the 0503 sunburst, waterfall, histogram workbook and we'll start with the waterfall. The great thing about using the waterfall chart is that it shows a running total and its values are added or subtracted. You will see why they call this a waterfall chart because you'll see the height of your revenue, for instance increase as your costs decrease. Let's go ahead and select our product revenue and services revenue. We also have our total revenue. We'll select fixed costs, variable costs, our total costs and our total profit. Go to insert, click the more button in the charts group and we'll select waterfall. Let me increase this a bit so you can see. Anything that's a positive number that would be our revenue is in blue. Our costs are shown in red…
