From the course: Cinema 4D R23 Essential Training: VFX

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Automatic 2D tracking

Automatic 2D tracking

- [Instructor] In this movie, we'll set up our project so that we're ready for tracking, and we'll explore automatic tracking. And throughout this chapter, we're going to go through a complete workflow of working with the motion tracker object. Let's begin by setting up our project. So if you can't see the project settings, come over to Edit, choose Project Settings, and we'll change the frames per second to 24, because we're working with a shot that was filmed at 24 frames per second. And I'm going to come into the Render Settings and just change the frame rate here, too. Now we'll come into the Motion Tracker Layout, and it's asking us to double-click to create a motion tracker object. So we'll do that. And then double click again to load in the footage. Select the street footage from the exercise files and choose Open. And if we just play through, you can see it plays back straight away, but it also looks very…
