From the course: Cisco Network Security: Secure Routing and Switching

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Implement port security

Implement port security

- [Instructor] On a switch, there are two types of ports, access or trunk. An access port carries traffic of a single VLAN from a host to the switch. Trunk ports are for switch-to-switch communication that carry information for various VLANs using VLAN tagging. The default mode is switchport mode dynamic desirable. This mode can pose a security risk as it can fall victim to a VLAN hopping attack where a user spoofs a switch by making an end device act as a trunk port. The best practice is to make sure all user ports are in access mode and any ports not in use are disabled. To set a switch port to access mode, use the following configuration command switchport mode access. Also follow up with a command to prevent any attempts at the port to go into trunk mode and that would be switchport nonegotiate. I'd also follow up with a shutdown command and now you'll see that the administrative mode is static access. On a switch, the network administrator should also use switchport port…
