From the course: Cloud Computing for the Digital Business

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Why a business needs to prepare for the cost of the cloud

Why a business needs to prepare for the cost of the cloud

From the course: Cloud Computing for the Digital Business

Why a business needs to prepare for the cost of the cloud

- A key goal of a digital transformation is to make a business more competitive but in order to become digitally-enabled, we need to spend money. We need to invest in new digital technologies and all of the skills and labor and infrastructure that come with adding all of this new stuff to our IT enterprise. Cloud computing allows businesses to lease what they need and only pay for what they use. This is why it was originally seen as a means of saving costs but that's no longer the case. As will explore in this video, the adoption of cloud computing in support of digital transformation will turn out to be a major part of the investment required. How and why? Let's find out. A lot of the digital technology we may want to bring into our business will require substantial upgrades to our IT enterprise. We might need new servers, new networks, new staff, and new security measures to protect those resources and…
