From the course: Cloud Computing for the Digital Business

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Why and how to use multicloud

Why and how to use multicloud

- When a business uses a multicloud architecture, it has resources deployed across at least two clouds. There are different variations of what can be considered multicloud. For example, you can have some resources on-premises in a private cloud and others in a public cloud. What we'll be focusing on in this video is a multicloud comprised of multiple public clouds. This is because, for the digital business, deciding to use this type of multicloud environment can lead to significant benefits, but can also introduce some big-time challenges. It's a critical decision for which we need to understand the when and the how. First, let's talk about why businesses are interested in multicloud. Having an exclusive cloud provider is a straightforward and simple arrangement. You rely on that one provider to give you the cloud environments you need, and you grow and evolve your presence in those clouds over time. Although simple…
