From the course: Cloud Governance Concepts: Tools and Requirements

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Testing your cloud governance solution

Testing your cloud governance solution

- [Narrator] Now let's move on to testing. Begin by writing testing plans for each tool. They all need to be tested differently, including function and viability, or the ability to scale in the long term. Watch out for issues that will only be found in operations. They need to be discovered beforehand. Consider tool quality and ease of use. An overly complex and demanding tool will not be helpful. Ensure that the tool provides reliable governance services. It's not what's popular, but work works for you. Don't get caught up in the hype. Focus on what tools work for you. Often, enterprises will follow the crowd to tools they leverage, leading you to an underoptimized solution. That won't provide the cloud governance you need. It's okay to toss everything out and try again. Again, don't be afraid to declare failure and try again. You should promote a culture that accepts that there may be a cost of getting the right solution. The bottom line, don't be afraid to fail. Failing fast…
