From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Applying cross-validation and evaluation

Applying cross-validation and evaluation

- Welcome to the 20th step of your journey. Did you hear that? 20. Now if this moment doesn't deserve a pause of recognition, then I don't know what does. In the rain, in the sun, in the mud, you're the person that just does it and keeps going, so that's why I'm pausing to tell you keep your head up and keep pushing. The win is in your sights and there ain't no stopping now. All right. In this step, you'll apply cross validation and thoroughly evaluate your model, but before we dive into the details, let's recap why this step is so important. In the previous step, you assessed how well your model performs on both the training and test data sets. However, there's a concern with this approach. Imagine you're preparing for a big exam and you only practice with one set of questions. You might become really good at answering those particular questions, but it doesn't guarantee you'll excel at the actual exam, which…
