From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Assumption 1: Checking for mean residuals

Assumption 1: Checking for mean residuals

- [Instructor] Now let's dive right in to our first pit stop. Assumption number one. You are going to check for something called mean residuals. Residuals are like leftover pieces of a puzzle. They represent the differences between your model's predictions, and the actual home values. In simpler terms, you want these residuals to behave nicely. To do that, you calculate their mean, which is just the average of all those leftover pieces. Think of it as checking if on average your aim is right on target when throwing darts at a bullseye. This code here is used to perform this calculation. Here's what we found when we calculated the mean of our residuals. We've gotten a number of -5.58 times 10 to the -15. Now, that might look like a complicated number, but what it's telling you is that the mean of the residuals is very, very close to zero. This is a good sign. It's like finding out that on average, your darts are…
