From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL Developers: From Beginner to Advanced

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Statistical mindset

Statistical mindset

- [Instructor] Have you ever wondered what it means to have a statistical mindset? Probably not, but still, you're about to unleash your inner data detective and dive into the art of inquiry, exploration, and understanding with a statistical twist. Now, let me ask you something. Does the weather affect ice cream sales? It's a bit like a puzzle, and we are here to solve it together. You probably heard tales like ice cream sales soar on hot days or rainy days mean fewer ice cream sundaes. But hold on. Such examples alone won't quench our thirst for answers. Anecdotal evidence is like trying to build a castle with just one brick, intriguing but not quite sturdy. Let's shine a light on the mystery behind anecdotal evidence. Small samples can lead to wrong conclusions. Also, if you only pick certain stories, it can make things seem different than they really are. And sometimes you tend to notice and remember things…
