From the course: Complete Guide to NLP with R

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Real-world NLP with quanteda

Real-world NLP with quanteda - R Tutorial

From the course: Complete Guide to NLP with R

Real-world NLP with quanteda

- [Lecturer] As an introduction to natural language processing, I'm showing how to do a task with three different tools. One of them is Base R with the text mining package. One of them is Quanteda, also a text mining package for R, and the third is going to be with Tidytext which again is text mining with R. In this session, let's talk about Quanteda. A note, you'll need to make sure to set your working directory so that you can find the poetry folder. Now, let's start with Quanteda. Quanteda is a package. So of course, you'll need to install it. I've already done this. And you'll also need the readtext package. In line 15 and 16, I bring both of those packages in with a library command. And then in line 19, I've set up a series of commands that will produce the top poetry features. And in this case, our task is to find the top 10 words being used in a collection of poetry. That's what lines 19 through 25 will…
