From the course: Constraint and Bottleneck Management

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Lean and Six Sigma philosophy

Lean and Six Sigma philosophy

- Lean and Six Sigma are two of the most common operations systems improvement methodologies and philosophies. Both are very powerful and the concepts generally compatible with bottleneck management and the theory of constraints. Whilst Lean and Six Sigma have many good tools on how to improve a process, a fair criticism is that they offer very little direction on what to improve. The essence of this course has shown us that not all processes are of equal importance and choosing on what to focus is of utmost importance. Six Sigma is a powerful approach to rigorously identify causes of process variation and defects with a heavy emphasis on data, statistical analysis, and statistical process control. This can be extremely valuable in a capacity constrained system when directed at supporting the specific constraint process. If not, they will have little to no overall impact on output. Lean is a whole operations improvement philosophy with a giant toolbox of improvement methodologies. The…
