From the course: Consulting Professional Weekly Tips

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Find mentors and advisors

Find mentors and advisors

- There's a lot you don't know, and you probably have blind spots related to running your consulting firm. You may be unaware of exciting opportunities too. Find mentors and create an advisory board who can provide perspective to you on challenges you're going to face or opportunities you can pursue. Make sure these people bring a different perspective than you have. Their alternate view will help you see things you might ordinarily miss. I've been very fortunate to have some awesome mentors and advisers over the years. When I first started my firm, I was kind of stuck with my business model. I couldn't figure out how to make the firm grow more quickly. I called one of my advisers. I told him what my predicament was. He stepped back and said, "Mike, why aren't you hiring "new instructors as quickly as you can?" It was a big insight for me. It fundamentally changed the way I was going to run the business. I had one other individual who's been a wonderful mentor and adviser to me for…
