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Get paid for scope changes

Get paid for scope changes

- Clients will always want you to do more work for no additional pay. Scope creep is a real challenge. Getting scope right, specifying it in the contract, and holding clients to it is required if you want to run a profitable firm. When clients do request scope changes, don't hesitate to refer back to the original scope document. Then, explain how much more work the new request is, along with the cost of that change. I had one client where we were going to do a training course and after the course, we were going to provide team coaching. After we got done with the course, the client changed their mind. They said, we want individual coaching for the people in class. I said, that change is going to be an incremental 40 hours of work. By the way, here's the cost of the change. Please sign off on this before we take that coaching approach. And they signed off on it. We made sure we were getting paid for the additional work we were doing. Some tips you can use to manage scope are first, be…
