From the course: Consulting Professional Weekly Tips

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Picking a salesperson

Picking a salesperson

- At some point, you may decide you wanna hire a salesperson for your firm. Consultative selling is different than selling products. The salesperson must understand the client's needs, how your services meet those needs, and be able to articulate the value your services deliver. The salesperson has to be a problem solver, an attentive listener and a relationship builder. When interviewing a salesperson, make the first question you ask, "What do you think of our business?" Just leave it open ended. If they can't explain what you do, what services you offer and who you serve, they haven't done their homework, assuming all that information is available on your website. That's an indicator they won't do their homework about your clients before that sales call. I had one individual who's trying to sell me services. They set up a coffee and when we sat down they said, "So Mike, tell me about your firm." I said, "Well, what do you want to know?" They said, "Well, what services do you offer…
