From the course: Consulting Professional Weekly Tips

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Poaching client employees or customers

Poaching client employees or customers

From the course: Consulting Professional Weekly Tips

Poaching client employees or customers

- A huge mistake you can make as a consultant is trying to hire away some of your client's employees or solicit business from your client's customers. Most contracts that you're going to sign with a client contain non-solicit clauses. A non-solicit clause says you cannot go out and pursue a client's employees and induce them to join your organization, and you're also not allowed to pursue a client's customers. Your client will have a huge issue with you creating a gap on their team when you try to hire away one of their key employees. Clients also don't take kindly to you selling your services to their customers. Your client has worked really hard to build those customer relationships. These are two major mistakes you should avoid at all costs. There are situations where it's okay to hire client personnel and sell to their customers. One situation where it's okay to hire client personnel is when a senior client tells you that someone on their team is looking for work. I had one senior…
