From the course: Consulting Professional Weekly Tips

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Protect client confidentiality

Protect client confidentiality

- While you may want to tell all your friends, your family, your colleagues, and prospective clients about the awesome work you're doing for a marquee client, doing so might expose you to legal and financial risk. If you disclose information you could face serious penalties and even legal action, not to mention damaging your reputation. When you share confidential information to impress prospective clients, those prospects are probably going to worry that you're going to share their information with other organizations as well. Make sure you and your team all respect client confidentiality. There are a few things you should consider related to confidentiality. Identify and secure all confidential information. This means physical and electronic security, including antivirus software, access control, and encryption of the information that you share. Let your teams know the policy on securing and sharing information. And understand your contracts and what you can or cannot share, as well…
