From the course: Creating a Mobile App Interface in After Effects

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Animate the Steps screen

Animate the Steps screen

- [Voiceover] We're now going to animate the steps screen. And although the animations by themselves are very simple, just as with the dashboard screen, when you see them all happening together, the result is visually striking. So let's begin by animating the chart. We'll find our chart in the composition, just at the bottom here. And let's double click to open it up. We have a marker here and some other elements. We're gonna focus our attention on the bars first. So, with the first one selected, let's press S to reveal this scale property. And previously, we've already put the anchor point at the bottom. And with all of these, you'll notice that the scale is set to 100%. So what we can do is animate one, and then copy that animation onto the others and just offset it in time and then we'll have the result we're looking for. So I'm going to uncheck this, and all we want to do is animate the Y scale. So let's start by giving ourselves about 10 frames and we'll add a key frame. Go back…
