From the course: Creating a Mobile App Interface in After Effects

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Install the font for this project

Install the font for this project

- [Voiceover] Before go any further, I want to show you the font I've used. It's called Varela Round and can be downloaded from Unless you have the font already installed, your Illustrator file might not look like this. In fact, if I just disable the font, it might look something like this. Which shows there's a missing font. So just copy and paste the link here. And paste it into your browser, and download the font from the website by clicking here. Once you've done so, you can install the font, by generally double clicking on a Mac and choosing install. And I'm just enable the font once again. And once you've done all that, your Illustrator file should look like this, which will tell you that we have the font installed correctly. So with the font installed, we can progress with this section of the process.
