From the course: CSS: Combining Grid and Flexbox

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CTA summaries

CTA summaries

- [Instructor] Through our webpage, we'll be breaking up the various sections by using these call to action summaries. These are styled in a similar way, except the content and the imagery will be different. We have three of these on our current webpage. Let's switch into our code editor, and you can see the HTML that I'm using. All of the HTML is pretty much the same. I have a section with a class of cta, and then a unique class of cta1, cta2, and cta3. Each of these sections has an H1 tag and a paragraph tag. We're going to be using some shared CSS rules, since most of the formatting is fairly similar. The other thing that I want to point out is these do break up various sections of our page. Some of those sections, we haven't built yet, so when we look at this currently, they're just going to be stacked on top at each other. As usual, we'll start with the mobile version. If you scroll down and find the call to action…
