From the course: Cybersecurity Careers and Certifications

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Cybersecurity career: Administrator

Cybersecurity career: Administrator

- Cybersecurity administrators configure and support security systems such as firewalls, anti-malware software, and patch management systems. They also manually administer user rights to systems to ensure only authorized people can access them. Common job titles for this role include cybersecurity administrator, system security administrator, network security administrator, and information security administrator. As their title says, cybersecurity administrators need solid Windows, Unix, or Linux operating systems administration skills. And because they must analyze and implement network, application, and data security, cybersecurity administrators must understand common protocols such as TCP/IP, SSL/TLS, HTTP, DNS, SMTP, and IPsec. Cybersecurity administrators are also expected to monitor network traffic for unusual activity. So familiarity with packet analysis tools and how they work is a frequently desired skill among…
