From the course: Data Curation Foundations

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Application flow diagrams

Application flow diagrams

- [Instructor] Next, we are going to talk about application flow diagrams. I'm going to redo that. Next, we are going to talk about application flow diagrams. An application flow or app flow is a diagram that is meant to describe how a user is intended to flow through an application as they use the application. So if you think of an app you might use, like a ride-sharing app, there are different things you can do in a ride-sharing app, like you can hail a ride or you can also tip your driver for a ride you already took. Because apps can do a lot of things, diagrams of app flow are generally focused on one particular function or else they are giving a very general overview of the app flow. So these are going to look more conceptual. And therefore you probably won't see people using the traditional flowchart shapes for these. So why have an application flow diagram? Well, first it is really helpful at the design stage…
