From the course: Data Engineering with dbt

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Update your requirements.txt file within your project

Update your requirements.txt file within your project - Data Build Tool (dbt) Tutorial

From the course: Data Engineering with dbt

Update your requirements.txt file within your project

- [Instructor] Now that we've installed all of our packages, again, I'm not teaching you how to use DBT, I'm teaching you how to use DBT for a production project. And you can't have a production project without requirements.text file. And so let's go scroll over to the side. And we can see this here. I have already added it to here, so that way our projects is simple to use for everyone. But if this would be blank, if you had your own project, and similarly, you would just add the packages for there. And what makes this powerful is now for any environment, you do the requirements.text file, and start your packages. And now everyone has the same packages as you. This may not seem big for this project, but when you're working with hundreds of people over different teams, this makes all the difference.
