From the course: Dealing with Difficult Clients in B2B Sales

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Understanding client networks

Understanding client networks

Sometimes a difficult customer may feel as if they're not worth the trouble. And certainly it's a good idea to assess whether they are worth it or not. But there might be reasons why it's worth persisting with a difficult customer. For example, who else might they know? What might it lead to in the future? Who are they going to talk to? I'll give you a quick example. I bought a Sony television a few years ago. It's really expensive. It was really nice. And for a year it was brilliant. But after 13 months, it failed. It was completely dead and it was going to cost a whole lot of money to fix. Now it's just out of guarantee. But I feel that's unreasonable. The reason I bought a Sony was that it's supposed to have great quality and all it's done is sit there. I haven't even touched it and it's gone wrong. So I think there must have been a manufacturing fault in there. At the start, I was supplied a faulty TV when I bought it 13 months ago, So I wrote to Sony and they just said, Sorry…
