From the course: Design for Additive Manufacturing: FDM

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Modeling the box

Modeling the box

- [Instructor] Let's work on extruding the rectangle into a cube. So this is already selected. You can select it again by clicking on it. This time I'm going to use the marking menu, which you can bring up by clicking with the right mouse button. From the top here, I'll choose this extrude option. And then I get a menu over to the side. Over here I can type in the distance, but if you remember, we've actually defined a parameter for the height of the box. So I can actually type box and it brings up my options. I can choose box height, and then click OK. And if we hold on the Shift key and orbit around, we can see that we now have a cube. Let's go ahead and shell this cube. Go up to the Modify menu, and choose Shell. I'm going to draw a bounding box to select this cube. And you can see over here on the menu it says I have three faces selected. And so when I did the bounding box, it just selected the faces that I can see. And there are three other faces that I need to select. So I will…
