From the course: Design to Code: Using AI to Build Faster

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Code generation and automation

Code generation and automation

I've spent the last few months evaluating and analyzing tools available to designers, engineers, and product managers to support the work that we do to make our lives better and easier. There are a myriad of tools available, and I've likely missed some. But the areas that I found where AI can help us most currently are in supporting automations to eliminate repetitive work, speeding the process of going from design to code, understanding data, and auto-generating and intelligent editing of websites and application prototypes. We'll delve more deeply into each of these areas, but suffice to say, there are a lot of reasons to be excited about this technology. The first area I'm calling automation, but really what it's about is speeding the design process. The tools we discuss can help you speed the process of designing primarily in Figma. Generating images, icons, and content is something that usually requires reaching out or Lorem Ipsuming your way through it, but no more. Now we can…
