From the course: Design to Code: Using AI to Build Faster

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Design content and icons using Magician in Figma

Design content and icons using Magician in Figma - Figma Tutorial

From the course: Design to Code: Using AI to Build Faster

Design content and icons using Magician in Figma

Magician is a great little plugin by Diagram, who were acquired by Figma that can help you to generate elements for your design in real-time using AI prompts. Icons, images, and textual content can all be generated using this plugin, saving you the hassle of Lorem Ipsum and actually helping you deliver a site or app that makes sense to your users out of the box. In order to use this or other Diagram apps, you're going to have to sign up at So you have to create a new account. It's very easy, just like you would anywhere else. It is free currently, and then you'll get this special key that you can use to run the plugins. So if you open this link, this will give you a project that tells you about Magician. I'm not going to do that. I'm going to go ahead and add the plugin. So if I create a new design file, I can then go into plugins, this is the area, and I can search for Magician. And then I'm going to go ahead and run it. Now, I've already installed it, but the first time…
