From the course: Design to Code: Using AI to Build Faster

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Making the dev handoff better

Making the dev handoff better

One of the most challenging aspects of UI design has been the handoff from designers to the dev team. It's here where conflict occurs, where the dev team tells designs that the things they thought were trivial but important are, in fact, going to be a lot of work, or in what ways they're going to be challenged by the designs they've created. In the best scenarios, designers and engineers work together to find acceptable solutions and compromises. In most scenarios, the engineers simply return with something that's not quite a match, and in the worst scenarios, something that looks, well, like one of those nailed at memes. AI looks to offer better solutions to this friction point by allowing the designs to be exported directly to code, or possibly to an intermediary that developers can use to optimize the code generated to their specifications. Historically, designed to code has been messy at best. They either generate a code that was unusable or at least highly frustrating to…
