From the course: Designing a Business Card

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Adding a QR code

Adding a QR code

- As a way to add more content to the business card, I'd like to add a QR code to the back. And the QR code is going to take people to a website. It could take them to a virtual business card or a piece of text or an email. In this case it's gonna go to a website. And since does not exist, this is gonna go to a website. So I'm going to generate QR code, type in the URL I want here, make the type web hyperlink, the color in this case will be paper 'cause it's gonna go on the field of red. Click OK, and we have the QR code on our cursor. I'm now going to turn the guide on and I'll click and drag, just to place it, I'd like to trim some of this empty space that is around it, I'm not sure why we get that but we do. It's not necessary. And I can now position this more accurately without having that. So in terms of positioning it relative to the other stuff, I would like it to be a two by two square I'm using my guides. But then when I look at it relative to…
