From the course: Designing a Business Card

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Creating a print-ready PDF

Creating a print-ready PDF - InDesign Tutorial

From the course: Designing a Business Card

Creating a print-ready PDF

- Before making my PDF, I'm going to turn on my overprint preview, just to make sure there are no unexpected surprises. I'm also going to turn on my proof colors for a more accurate representation of how the colors will look in print. I'll then come to the file menu and choose, "Save a Copy". Change the format to Adobe PDF, and I'm just gonna append the word "final" to the file name. I want to make sure that the range is "all", so that I get both art boards. The exact settings that you choose here may vary from print vendor to print vendor. So, be sure to check with them about exactly what they require. But, the standard that I'm using, PDFX1A, is the most compatible standard, and it's likely the preset that any printer will be basing their own presets upon. So I wanna make sure in the general settings that "View PDF after Saving" is checked. And then, in "Marks and Bleeds", I'm going to turn on "Trim Marks" and "Registration Marks". And also, "Document Bleed Settings". So, those are…
