From the course: Developing Your Creativity as a Leader

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Embrace constraints

Embrace constraints

- For most people, the blank page is one of the most intimidating aspects of creativity: where to start, what to say, or do. We're taken over by a paralysis of choice. We're overwhelmed by the sheer number of options, and often, mentally blocked by the fear of getting it wrong. In contrast, as soon as parameters are set and jumping off points are introduced, people's creative thinking starts to open up. Why? Because constraints encourage creativity rather than limit it. This fact flies in the face of the common idea that it's with unlimited resources that we are able to be the most creative and innovative. It turns out that a lack of constraints promotes lazy thinking and complacency. Without constraints, we tend to choose the mental path of least resistance, going to the first thing that comes to mind, which is usually based on what is already commonly known or familiar. Instead constraints provide challenge, focus, and…
