From the course: Digital Marketing Analytics Nano Tips with Sam Dey

Conversion tracking

In order to have a successful digital marketing campaign, you need to be doing Conversion Tracking. This is where you track where your results are coming from. You could have a number of goals online. It could be to drive more sales to your website, to attract more leads to your business, or even just create more awareness so that you get more views and visitors back to your website. Regardless of what your goal is, you want to know where your success is coming from. Let's say, for example, you have a campaign running on YouTube where you're putting out organic content to attract your target customers. You might also be running Facebook ads, and after a while, you notice that you're generating a lot of new customers through your YouTube channel and not so many through Facebook. This will give you an indication that you need to ramp up your videos on YouTube and maybe less in your campaigns on Facebook or potentially just change your strategy and try something new. If you weren't doing conversion tracking and you didn't know where your results were coming from, then maybe you would just both run your YouTube channel and your Facebook ads, make no changes and be putting out the exact same effort and getting the same results. When you are tracking where your conversions are coming from, this allows you to optimize your time and your money spent on marketing so you can increase profitability and decrease time spent on campaigns that are simply not working.
