From the course: Digital Marketing Analytics Nano Tips with Sam Dey

Key metrics to watch

Every industry seems to have its own jargon terms, and marketing, unfortunately, is no different. There's nothing more confusing than logging into your analytics and having no idea what some of the key terms mean. Let's break some of them down so you don't get overwhelmed when looking at your analytics. Firstly, let's look at impressions. These are the amount of people who have seen your campaign but haven't necessarily interacted with it. Then you have clicks or the amount of people who have seen your campaign and actively clicked on it. You also get views which is similar to clicks, but these are the amount of people specifically who have played one of your videos. You also have conversions or the amount of people who have taken a desired action after seeing your campaign. You also have some analytics that are more specific to paid ads like Cost per click, or how much is it costing you to get someone to click on your campaign. You also have Costs per conversion, or how much is it costing you to get someone to convert into a customer or into a lead. As well as this, you have ROAS or Return On Ad Spend. This is how much is it costing you to get a return on the money you are spending on your ads.
