From the course: Digital Marketing Analytics Nano Tips with Sam Dey

What impacts your analytics?

Things change and people change. That's a saying that I heard a lot growing up, and it's true for life, but it's also true for marketing. Usually, it's not a case of if a campaign will stop working, but it's more of a case of when. Regardless of whether you're doing free traffic campaigns or paid traffic campaigns, there are a lot of external factors that can change a successful campaign into one that's just not as effective anymore. You can have new competitors which can rank you in Google search or ramp up the price of your online advertisements. There could be an algorithm change which completely skews your results. There are so many external factors that can impact the success of your marketing campaign. So you want to make sure that you have a diversification strategy, even if your current marketing is working for you. You also want to ensure that you're constantly looking at your analytics to see if you can identify any small drops in your success and know that it might be time for you to start to pivot.
