From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

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Digital marketing and AI: What's on the horizon?

Digital marketing and AI: What's on the horizon?

From the course: Digital Marketing Trends

Digital marketing and AI: What's on the horizon?

- [Instructor] Happy 2024 and welcome back to what's shaping into another big year for generative AI. From multimodal applications like text to video or text to voice, automatic ad creation and targeting, and all the exciting new tools, artificial intelligence has a seat at every marketing table. In fact, a recent survey by consulting firm Accenture found 80% of CMOs are planning to boost their AI spend in the coming year. So brace yourselves as the pace of acceleration continues to surge. Let's start with the rules and regulations governing AI. With the EUs new AI laws, an executive order from the US President, the UK's Bletchley Declaration on AI Safety, and the UN's Advisory Board on AI, the changing legal landscape is something you'll want to watch. So now's a good time to connect with your company's general counsel and discuss how you're using AI for ad copy, visuals and your other marketing materials. Ask…
