From the course: Digital Transformation: A Toolkit for Non-Programmers

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What does a successful digital transformation look like?

What does a successful digital transformation look like?

From the course: Digital Transformation: A Toolkit for Non-Programmers

What does a successful digital transformation look like?

- [Instructor] What does a successful digital transformation look like? And what are the realities? Done correctly, digital transformations with the right processes in place have resulted in major improvements in the fortunes of many established companies and institutions. Take, for example, Domino's Pizza, whose share price increased by over 2,500% from 2008 to 2019, far exceeding the growth of some of the most digitally established companies. DBS Bank, a bank based out of Singapore, saw their cost-to-income ratio reduced significantly as a result of their digital transformation efforts and are seen as a template for digital transformation success around the world. In the arts sector, the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art grew their online base over 30 million followers through a suite of digital tools to enhance the traditional visual experience. However, research shows that most digital transformation efforts…
