From the course: Digital Transformation in Supply Chains

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Apply artificial intelligence and machine learning

Apply artificial intelligence and machine learning

From the course: Digital Transformation in Supply Chains

Apply artificial intelligence and machine learning

- In 1950, Professor Alan Turing created a test for computers called the Imitation Game. The basic setup was that a computer would engage in a text conversation with a human evaluator. The person would type something and the computer would respond. The computer would win the game if the human evaluator couldn't tell whether they were talking to a person or a computer. The Turing test was one of the first attempts to measure artificial intelligence or the ability of computers to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. Today, we interact with intelligent computers all the time. When I take picture on my phone, there's an app that recognizes people's faces. My bank uses software to watch for fraudulent charges. And when I shop online, many websites have chat-bots that can answer basic questions. Intelligence is a hard thing to describe and to quantify, but for practical purposes, I think we can say that…
