From the course: Digital Transformation in Supply Chains

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Solution: Process mapping

Solution: Process mapping

- Now, let's compare the process map that you made for the exercise in the prior video with the one that I made. We wanted to see the process that someone would follow when requesting a new computer. As you can see, I've used a swim lane to show the handoffs between the actors in this process; the user, the IT department, the accounting department, and the vendor. Notice that I used rectangles for the tasks that needed to be completed, and a diamond for the point where someone needs to make a decision. And, to go a bit deeper, notice that there are several steps in this process that could be good targets for automation. For example, the decision about whether to approve the request could be performed by artificial intelligence, looking at factors such as the age of the user's current computer, and the technology budget for the department. Your process map will certainly be different than this, and I'm sure that…
