From the course: Direct Mail Marketing

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Common forms of postage and how to expedite shipping

Common forms of postage and how to expedite shipping

From the course: Direct Mail Marketing

Common forms of postage and how to expedite shipping

- [Instructor] Most of us are probably going to be using first class postage. That's what we do. It is the most expensive on a per-stamp basis, unless you're mailing out 200-plus letters at a time. Then this is probably going to be your only option. Now, the bad addresses are returned to the sender, so oftentimes, we will get mail returned to us because the data just wasn't accurate. Then we just cross those names off the list or we investigate a little bit further. The other kind of postage is pre-sorted first class. That's the same as first-class. The difference is that you need to have a higher volume, which is 500 pieces that are shipped to the same exact zip code. So, if you're doing a pretty intense campaign to the same zip code and you just want to blanket that area, then this would definitely be an option available to you. And then the third option for postage is called standard or bulk, and this is the cheapest…
