From the course: Direct Mail Marketing

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How outsourcing can be highly effective

How outsourcing can be highly effective

From the course: Direct Mail Marketing

How outsourcing can be highly effective

- [Narrator] Also, direct mail is a function of your business that can be completely outsourced. And, I highly recommend outsourcing as soon as you can, because it is a very, very time consuming process when you factor in everything that's involved from gathering the data, to doing mail merges, handwriting the envelopes, which we definitely recommend because it's more personal, to stuffing the envelopes, to putting the return label on, the stamps, and then going down to the post office. That can take a very long time, especially if you're mailing a lot of letters on a consistent basis, which is the goal for all of us. So direct mail can be easily outsourced. Now I recommend doing it yourselves, at least the first couple of times, just to find out what's involved. And once you're ready to outsource it, then do so. Also, sellers are generally more motivated when responding to direct mail campaigns, especially when we address…
