From the course: Direct Mail Marketing

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How to develop long lists quickly

How to develop long lists quickly

From the course: Direct Mail Marketing

How to develop long lists quickly

- [instructor] Okay, let's talk about list providing services. This is a great way of getting large lists fast. So rather than spending the time yourself to gather the data and information, you would basically purchase the data from data provider. And the costs will vary from one provider to the next. So you definitely want to reach out to at least a couple of providers just to compare what the costs are from one to the next. And also I should point out that sometimes the information might not be totally up to date. And one question I would recommend that you ask when you call to find out about the cost is also to find out how recent their information is made available. Now, this is especially important when mailing to pre-foreclosures because the clock is ticking on these people. And if you get the information too late, then you might be mailing letters after the property has already been foreclosed on. And, obviously,…
