From the course: Direct Mail Marketing

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Necessary resources to make your company land on top

Necessary resources to make your company land on top

From the course: Direct Mail Marketing

Necessary resources to make your company land on top

- [Instructor] Proper lead tracking is really important to evaluating your direct mail success. I just can't emphasize that enough. You want to know if the lead called in came from a direct mail campaign versus maybe you're doing bandit signs, or Craigslist, or something else. So, track your direct mail marketing in a systematic way and definitely have a spreadsheet, and we do have a direct mail tracking spreadsheet, which I would highly recommend. It's very easy to use and basically, anytime somebody calls from your direct mail, it should go right into that direct mail tracking. So, you know, definitely be sure to use that. And also, you know, use, be sure to record seller lead information in a database for following up. In this business follow-up is really, really important. And CT Homes, their success is really tied into their follow-up because a lot of their initial offers are rejected and most investors would not…
