From the course: Driving Change and Anti-Racism

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Do not be afraid of "no"

Do not be afraid of "no"

- When you're advocating for change within your organization. A lot of times people are going to be afraid of hearing the word, no, and that makes sense because rejection hurts. It hurts, in fact, it hurts to the point where in studies they've demonstrated that it registers almost like a physical pain to the point where if you take an analgesic, it actually diminishes the amount of pain you feel, which is crazy, but here's the thing, "no". Hearing the word "no" is an integral part of your negotiation strategy. We need to be willing to push the limits in order to get more of what we want, when we're advocating for change in our organizations. Let's say you're in an organization and you recognize that you need to do a number of assessments, in order to demonstrate what the true issue is within your company. And so you could either do a cultural assessment or a pay equity assessment. Now you might be tempted to say, well,…
