From the course: Email Marketing Strategy: Warm Up a Cold List

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Solution: Email subscriber quality versus quantity

Solution: Email subscriber quality versus quantity

From the course: Email Marketing Strategy: Warm Up a Cold List

Solution: Email subscriber quality versus quantity

(upbeat electronic music) - In the challenge video, I asked you to use your own newsletter data to figure out the cold subscribers and if you cut them, what open rate you need to see to have the same number of readers. Let's start with the newsletter size. My client had 29,000 subscribers at the start of this process. Then you can use your email tool to see how many subscribers are cold, which we covered earlier in this chapter. My client had at the time, 19,000 unengaged subscribers, which leaves us with about 10,000 engaged subscribers. Next, you'll want to use your email tool to look at the last dozen or so emails and ballpark the open rate. We had open rates ranging from 5% to 20% for most of our emails. And one of the last emails we sent to the entire list had an 18.5% open rate, which was roughly 4,000 opens. And that was for a very important piece of content that we release once a year. It should have the…
