From the course: Evaluating Business Investment Decisions

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Capturing assumptions

Capturing assumptions

- Let's say that we're helping out a fictitious retailer called ABC Enviro. The company provides eco-friendly products and services to its consumers. But over recent years they've been experiencing a rather sustained drop in sales and their profitability. Through an aptly-named project called Invention, they're considering investing in new AI technology using a software product called EnvAI. EnvAI is promised to boost sales through what's currently an underperforming e-commerce platform. EnvAI may indeed be the panacea to ABC Enviro's profitability problems. But we have absolutely no data or metrics to support this. So let's go ahead and develop some. Now, there are tons of options out there, but let's go ahead and use Excel as it's inexpensive and pretty easy to configure. To follow along with me, make sure that the Excel exercise file for this video is open. Now, if you're not already there, go ahead and click on the…
