From the course: Financing Your Business

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Angel and venture funding

Angel and venture funding

- Many startup businesses would love to get angel funding or venture capital funding. And certainly, with the rise of popular shows like "Shark Tank", many people think this is a great source of funding for their business. But if you've ever watched "Shark Tank", you know that many businesses don't get funded. And even those that get funded on the program end up not getting the full funding later after the show airs. Fewer than 3% of all businesses will get angel funding or venture capital funding. If you still want to pursue it, keep in mind that angel funding tends to be a little more diverse than VC funding, but it tends to provide smaller amounts of startup capital. There are angel groups all across the country that provide this type of funding to younger businesses. Venture capital tends to be more concentrated in technology hubs like on the east coast, west coast, and increasingly places like the Silicon Slopes in…
