From the course: Financing Your Business

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Credit card best practices

Credit card best practices

- Let's review the best practices for your credit cards that you use in your business. First, I encourage you to separate your business and personal purchases. Always use a dedicated credit card for your business purchases. Be careful about who you give credit cards to. I've heard so many horror stories from business partners who took out credit cards together for their business, then one business partner left and the other partner continued to rack up debt. The person who left was still responsible. It's very difficult to remove yourself as a joint account holder or responsible party from a credit card, and if you give a card to someone who's an authorized user, you're responsible for the charges they make, whether or not you approve of those specific charges. Watch your due dates. Set up alerts so you can make sure you don't miss a due date, especially on a business credit card, where it could mean a significant…
